
Civil disobedience is in order for draconian measures that have overstretched their legal boundaries

Civil disobedience is in order for draconian measures that have overstretched their legal boundaries The deep state round one of the bioweapon is drawing to a close without the effect they wanted. The next round will be more severe unless we start locking them up.

About me: Combat Veteran Navy SEAL with 24 years of experience with several SEAL Teams including SEAL Team-6. Master Training specialist designing many courses including the SEAL Team's first Hand to Hand Fighting Course. CIA security officer with 11 years in Combat Zones including Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Pakistan and Libya.

Currently teaching courses on developing intuition. Learning and utilizing intuition in my 35 year career was the greatest achievement I experienced and now share this life changing experience and how anyone can tap into with a broad range of courses.

These courses include Unleashing Intuition Secrets, Intuitive Physique, Remote Viewing, Remote Influencing and several books on developing intuition.

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Remote Viewing,Remote Influencing,Intuition,Project Looking Glass,Super Soldier,Michael Jaco,alternative news,Investing,Unleashing Intuition,Unleashing Intuition Secrets,Remote influencing,Intuitive Physique,Life Coach,Navy SEAL,CIA,SEAL Team 6,Offensive Mindset,High Achievers,Deep State,COVID-19,Civil Disobedience,

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