
Abbas: Going Beyond the Call of Duty; The Spirit of Volunteerism - Maulana Syed Muhammad Rizvi

Abbas: Going Beyond the Call of Duty; The Spirit of Volunteerism - Maulana Syed Muhammad Rizvi - Despite the COVID-19 crisis, we cannot forget our faith, our values and our histories. We cannot forget the personalities who were role-models for us.
- We should be thankful to Allãh for giving us humans the intelligence to create and master the technology that despite the lockdown, we can still remotely connect to one another
- ‘Abbās for us is not just an example of a good Muslim who was obedient to Allãh, Rasūl and the Imām of his time – he is the best example of those who go beyond the call of duty; ‘Abbās – was the embodiment of sacrifice
- On the eve of ‘Āshūrah, Imam Ḥusayn (a) gathered his companions and family members and praised them. Why did he praise them using the words he did?
- The greatness of ‘Abbās, the Banū Hāshim and the companions is not that they fulfilled their religious duty – they went beyond the call of duty
- These acts of sacrifice indicate that while the martyrs lost their lives, they were able to pass on the spirit of humanity. And that is one dimension of the statement of ‘Abbās’ beloved sister, Zaynab, when she was asked by Ibn Ziyād about her view of what happened in Karbala
- The examples of volunteerism can also be seen in the present situation that the world is facing regarding coronavirus
- Some mu’mineen asked the opinion of the Grand Ayatullah Sistani about the work and sacrifice of the medical professionals and the volunteers
- Discussing and reviewing the wise words of Ayatullah Sistani on this topic
- Saluting those volunteers who put themselves into danger of contracting the virus for the sake of others
- Narrating sayings from the 4th Imam regarding his uncle Abbas, and his exemplary qualities


Wiladat of Hazrat Abbas
Recited By: Maulana Syed Muhammad Rizvi
Date: March 28th, 2020



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