
Banned Block Dragon - Combo Adamantia post Eternity Code

Banned Block Dragon - Combo Adamantia post Eternity Code Traslate INTRO

Welcome to the armageddon channel team guys! Ok, I was a little bit too excited but anyway, this is my friend from the movie Lilly and the Tramp because my dog doesn’t want to get on my shoulder. I wanted to talk to you about some adamancia’s combos. With the release of post eternity, we now have 1 or 2 card combos. They basically start with a tuner or doki doki. They’re really strong because with only one card you can do about 4 negations and sometimes even more, and you can pass with 3 cards in your hand. This is awesome even if the format, as many of you say, is not a real format because we can only play online. There are many players like me who often play only and I happen to face various opponents who play adamancia. I think you already know that this deck is not a fair deck. In normal situations there would have been an emergency banned for sure. But let’s now move on to the combo. The combo is based on Martial Metal Marcher, a monster that rebounds a tuner and makes a synchro that has been summoned with him a tuner monster. At some point you’ll see that I’ll summon either Dragster or a level 8 synchro using Raptite. I do this because raptite becomes a tuner, a level 6 tuner that you can use for synchro summon. It’s a really unfair deck. Adamancia is too powerful. I’ve listened to some youtubers saying that adamancia is a “rogue” deck and I think they should be ashamed for what they said because this shows that they don’t actually understand anything about this game. Now, let’s get started. I just want to tell you that every week we do organize tournaments. There are also other tournaments organize by other people so, if you want to play, just play. If you love yugioh as I do, you can play whenever you want.


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