The way you live life is solely dependent on you. You make many choices in life and feel that you are on the right track while you are not. People must do things to hurt you once in a while, but the way you react to these hurt determines how your life will turn out. Holding grudges against people and yourself will only lead you to live a life full of resentment, and this is not too good as it hinders you from growing positively. So if you are already living a life of bitterness, here are five ways to shift from a resentful life to a resentment free one.
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"Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking" by Susan Cain :
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#BeyondBlue #Personality #Manipulator #NegativePeople #Narcissist #Psychopath #EmotionalManipulator #Sociopath #NegativePeople #Negative
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