Dr. Brené Brown is a research professor at the University of Houston where she holds the Huffington Foundation – Brené Brown Endowed Chair at The Graduate College of Social Work. She is the author of five #1 New York Times bestsellers: The Gifts of Imperfection, Daring Greatly, Rising Strong, Braving the Wilderness, and her latest book, Dare to Lead, which is the culmination of a seven-year study on courage and leadership. Brené’s TED talk – The Power of Vulnerability – is one of the top five most viewed TED talks in the world with over 35 million views. She is also the first researcher to have a filmed talk on Netflix, “The Call to Courage” which debuted in April 2019.
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0:03:24 Bio
0:04:08 Interview Starts
0:04:41 The teacher appears when the student is ready
0:06:10 Life is about the willingness to show up, to put yourself out there, to be all in, when you can’t control the outcome. It’s not the critic who counts - it’s easy to spend your life in the cheap seats and hurl judgement at people who are trying and failing
0:07:27 Feedback is required for mastery of anything.
0:09:02 Everyone spends their whole life tiptoeing around to ensure they never fall, but the more important skill is to build the skill of GETTING BACK UP.
0:11:08 The importance of experiencing adversity. There’s a line between adversity and trauma, we need to experience.
0:11:47 Courage is learnable, teachable, and measurable - and there are 4 key skill sets
0:13:44 Courage is essentially the same thing as vulnerability. The Willingness to show up, put yourself out there, and be seen when you can’t control the outcome.
0:18:01 Courage spans the spectrum from everyday moments in your life, to the most epicly heroic experiences of your life.
0:21:38 How do we step into and "rumble" with vulnerability?
0:23:00 What is your go to armor? How do you self protect when you feel emotionally at risk or exposed? The armor weighs 100lbs, but the resentment weighs 1000lbs.
0:29:11 How do you start to take off the armor? Loving kindness and self compassion.
0:31:10 People pleasing is the bright side of manipulation.
0:32:39 How do you stop caring what other people think about you?
0:36:20 What to do if you're not sure what to do with your life. What if you haven't figured everything out yet?
0:37:30 "Don’t ask what the world needs, ask what makes you come alive. What the world needs is more people who’ve come alive."
0:39:01 The neurobiology of failing. How to get back up if you've fallen down.
0:40:00 Your brain thinks in stories - it builds and creates stories to explain the world around you - even if those stories are wrong. Your brain rewards you for creating stories, the more salacious and dramatic the better, even if the stories are completely wrong.
0:41:20 One sentence that can completely change your life. Why you should start using “The story I'm telling myself…” or “The story I’m making up right now is…"
0:44:00 Are you aware of the stories you tell yourself? Are you brave enough to check them out? IS there a recurrent theme to those narratives?
0:45:21 Homework: Take the daring leader survey.
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