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Experiencing Physical Warmth Promotes Interpersonal Warmth
A free 30 day trial of Audible if you want to listen to How To Win Friends And Influence People, Influence, or Presuasion. All three are musts if you like this kind of stuff :-)
We grow up being told that if we want to be liked, get a date, get sales or a promotion, that it’s based on who’s the most qualified.
But qualifications aren't always what influence people.
I first saw that when reading Dale Carnegie's How To Win Friends And Influence People and Robert Cialdini book Influence.
Call it persuasion, influence, manipulation, it's all about learning how to sell (an idea, a product, or yourself) in the best way possible.
So in this video I’m going to go over 3 "how to influence" tips that have NOTHING to do with your credentials OR what you say.
These can help you be more likable, get a date, and be more successful in business or sales.
The words "manipulation" and "persuasion" have become dirty words in today's society, but in this video, I just mean them as synonyms for "influence".
These are harmless, ethical ways you can sway someone to give you a chance (both in business and socially) so that your true merit can actually shine through :-)
0:29 How to game the Stereotype Content Model to influence people to like you more (whether it's to get a date, make friends, or sales)
2:26 How to influence what they think about BEFORE they think about you or what you are asking for (from Robert Cialdini's book Persuasion)
4:08 Does what you hold in your hands impact your ability to get a date or successfully sell?
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