Singer(Anna): Miri Zehavi
Elsa: Sharon Luxenburg
Dad: Oded Sandach
Voice technicion: Roy Dotan
Animation: Johnny Asif Wircer
?Do you also have Corona
Let’s go outside and play
Slime together we had made
TikTok filming with a friend
Why did it have to end?
We used to play together
And now we don’t
I’m so bored I wanna cry
Do you also have Corona?
Who gave you the Corona?
Go away Anna!
Ok bye...
The gloves will help
Conceal it
Don’t steal it
So pepole won’t know
Do you also have corona?
Because a month has almost passed
The lockdown’s almost over now
I started talking to the pictures
on the walls
Hey Trump!
The quarantine is almost over
-And I’m really bored
Just watching the hours tick by
tick-tock tick-tock tick-tock tick-tock
I’m scared !
To infect more people!
Stop annoying me!
You know I’m on unpaid leave .
Here, I touched you!
Now ,you also have Corona
Have fun on the USNS Comfort.
I'm sorry I got you infected.
We hate you.
I know you have Corona
You should have told me that before
You infected everyone
It’s not that fun
What have you done?
Now I also have Corona
And it’s all your fault!
I wish you would tell me why?
Do you also have Corona?