
POTUS Assassination Threats: 4 Human Teams (Ho Hum), One Domestic Scalar Electromagnetic Energy Hit

POTUS Assassination Threats: 4 Human Teams (Ho Hum), One Domestic Scalar Electromagnetic Energy Hit šŸšØ Alerts – AssassinationThreats to POTUS Today 2.0 šŸ‘‡šŸ‘‡
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Version 2.0 ,had to edit out a portion of The Steele Report that is privileged.

This video opens with view that POTUS is not ill but rather had gone underground in the face of four known assassination attempts and then articulates fear that POTUS and US Secret Service might not be aware of both the ease with which POTUS can be tracked by his electromagnetic footprint, and the threat of a "by name" scalar warfare attack.

A full report is in the Monday 5 October edition of The Steele Report at

Links included in the section entitled Assassination Threats Against the President – Including Military Medicine & Scalar Beam? include:

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Robert David Steele is a former US Marine, CIA spy, and co-founder of the US Marine Corps Intelligence Activity. He is a top non-fiction book reviewer with over 2,000 reviews across 98 categories of reading, all reviews are free online.

To learn more about Robert go to

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