those points are
always you should take care of the timing while writing answers.students should firstly check the answer sheet. then they should divide the paper according to the time .means they should divide the questions according to the marks and time that how much time they should give to which type of question.
2.Command word....
one should pay attention to the command word of the question .What is asked in the paper and accordingly what the answer should be.sometimes we jump into writing without carefully reading the question.this make us to waste lot of time ,also examiner gets fedup with unusual answers.Always write to the point answers.
3.Always use black or blue ball point pen for writing.black ball point pen should be used for writing heading and blue point pen for writing detailed answer.
4.write the question no.correctly.also subtitles of the question should also be written in correct order .
5. In objective type question underline the main answer .also you can write the answer in a statement 6.First page of answer sheet should be neat and clean.it should be written in an attractive manner.
7.in distinguish type of questions make two columns and then write differences.....
WORK HARD RATHER THAN SMART IS an another video which will help you to get strategical points for studying ...
this video will help students to study smartly.it will help to make a strategy to study during exams.
and my this video will help children to know how they should write answers in exams....