Robust Control, Part 1: What Is Robust Control? -
Robust Control, Part 2: Understanding Disk Margin -
Robust Control, Part 3: Disk Margins for MIMO Systems -
The previous two videos showed a few different ways to quantify how robust a system is to model and plant uncertainty by looking at how much input and output variation it can handle before it no longer meets requirements. In this video, we show another approach. Rather than apply variation to the model as a whole, we apply it to the individual parameters within the model to determine how robust the system is to parameter uncertainty.
Check out these other references:
- You can find the two scripts used in the video on GitHub:
- (MATLAB Example) Building and Manipulating Uncertain Models:
- (MATLAB Example) Control of Aircraft Lateral Axis Using Mu Synthesis:
- (Video) What is LQR Control?
- Learn about Robust Control Toolbox:
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