
What Do We Want to Be (When We Grow Up)? - David Biancardi

What Do We Want to Be (When We Grow Up)? - David Biancardi Talk: What Do We Want to Be (When We Grow Up)?
Our community’s approaches, tools, and techniques are increasingly valuable to clients connecting with their audiences through digital layers in physical places - from temporary experiential events & activations to permanent installations in architectural contexts.

This session will explore the “emerging field” that we are all working in and creating. Presenter David Bianciardi will share some perspectives from AV&C’s time working at this intersection of digital and physical.

Ecosystem: What is the landscape of interconnected disciplines we operate in? How are our contributions key to the success of this kind of work for our clients and partners? This work is a team sport - how do we fit into this ecosystem as individuals, groups and companies?

Deep Media: We define “media” and “content” to include responsive, data-driven, computationally generated, realtime visual expression. Why is traditional “linear” media not always optimal for these new types of canvases and how is “evergreen” or “deep” media the strategic approach? Why realtime?

Working at Scale: As our approaches go mainstream, how do we scale our techniques and ways of working together? How do we manage the risk of “new” (innovation) with the responsibilities of working in the built environment?

Presenter: David Bianciardi
David Bianciardi is the founder and principal of AV&C - a globally recognized experience design studio based in New York City that creates digital landmarks in the physical world.

AV&C’s interdisciplinary team of designers, technologists, engineers, software developers, and producers delivers software-driven experiential installations for forward-thinking clients seeking to foster deeper connections with their audiences in the built environment.

Bianciardi began his career as a musician, composer, and a sound designer and quickly found that using software and technology to make things talk to each other was useful in creating “designed experiences” and “connected places”. As clients started exploring their roles as storytellers and appreciating how we could help, the business came into being, along with an evolving art practice.


Business,planning,career,disciplines,deep media,innovation,

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