
We're Not In Kansas Anymore; Conserving an Ida Kohlmeyer Sculpture

We're Not In Kansas Anymore; Conserving an Ida Kohlmeyer Sculpture Check out for a free trial or go to

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Well this doesn't look like a painting at all. But then again, it is decorated with paint just like every painting ever, and the support is wood just like the Mona Lisa, the most famous painting ever. So maybe it is a painting...?

Regardless, this darling little sculpture by Ida Kohlmeyer isn't doing so well and needs a bit of attention. As a paintings conservator I mostly work with, well, paintings yet every now ant then an object or sculpture arrives with a situation to which my skillset and knowledge can be applied and as such I take on the project.

In this case, some of the pieces of the sculpture have broken off and need to be re-attached. Sounds simple, right... of course not.


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