
Virtual Visit: Nail Trimming w| Harbor Seal Amelia!

Virtual Visit: Nail Trimming w| Harbor Seal Amelia! Our harbor seal Amelia gets her nails trimmed as part of our harbor seal training! Keeping our harbor seals' nails trimmed helps them to climb on the rocks, so it is an important part of their training! #VirtualVisit #AquariumFromHome
You may notice something unique about Amelia. She only has one eye! Amelia had long term discomfort in her left eye that our veterinarians attempted to correct with medication and surgery. Despite best efforts, it became evident that the only way to relieve her discomfort, was to remove her eye. Amelia sees very well out of her right eye and also uses her whiskers to pick up on vibrations in the water to provide more information about her surroundings, as do all Atlantic harbor seals. In order to take excellent care of Amelia's health before her surgery, she was trained to allow us to give her eye drops when necessary. Staff also focus on a variety of other equally important husbandry behaviors including blood samples, weighing our animals, brushing the seals' teeth and even clipping their nails like you can see in this video!


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