
Roof Repairs for Widows in Liberia

Roof Repairs for Widows in Liberia This is Rita
She has been a widow for nine years now
She has seven children
We drove through her community to bless her with some food and water to help get them through the quarantine
And this is her home
It’s very simple, but it’s hers
We were heart broken to find that the house had been damaged by a severe storm the night before
Most of the roof was either completely ripped off or severely damaged
Many of the areas where the children sleep were flooded
Many of the homes in the area were damaged in the same way
Please help us help widows like Rita in Liberia
Our goal would be to repair the homes in the area with new, more water tight and storm resistant roofing, before the next storm hits

James 1:27 (ESV) says it best…”Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction…”

Giving Options:
Phone: 1-877-274-1970

#Liberia #Covid19 #Crisis #Relief #Rice #Water #Roof #Repair #Damage #Storm #Widow #Orphan #Humanitarian


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