
Open Yourself to God-Prompted Prayer | The Power of God | Day 18

Open Yourself to God-Prompted Prayer | The Power of God | Day 18 #powerofgod #godspower #revival #fireofgod #hope

Elijah was a man just like us. He prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the land for three and a half years.
James 5:17

Affirmation: I believe there is power in God-directed prayer.

Is it possible that if we don't pray for God's kingdom to come and
His will to be done, we can hinder God's kingdom? The truth is,
many of us think prayer is nice...but not necessary.

We would never say that aloud, of course. But deep inside, many Christians believe that God's kingdom will come and His will shall be done whether or not we pray. Maybe that's why only one in ten thousand American Christians prays for an hour a day.

How can you make yourself more open to God-directed prayers?

Every revival began with one person.

Why not you? Why not now?

If you're ready to take the 7-Step Journey to Unleash the Power of God in your life, you're going to love this 30-day video series.

I'm going to walk you, day by day, through the lessons God revealed as He invited me to move onward from being a sincere but powerless one who walks in the power of God.

Be sure to get a copy of my book, Becoming A Vessel of God's Power, available on Amazon at

Do You Ever Wonder:

* Does God hear me when I pray?
* Do my prayers change anything?
* How can I be sure I'm accurately hearing Him...and not listening to my own mind?
* Why is it that sometimes when I pray, things actually seem to get worse?
* I've prayed every prayer I can think of, but my situation isn't changing -- am I doing something wrong?

If so, this 30 Day class is for you!

You'll Learn Exactly How To:
* Hear from God accurately.
* Discover the steps to remove hindrances to answered prayers.
* Break free from the guilt, shame and fear that prevent you from praying boldly and with confidence.
* Slam the door in the devil's face --and prevent him from wreaking further havoc on your family!
* Cultivate God's power within and upon your life.
* Begin to walk in a level of spiritual authority you may never even thought possible.
* Understand the different types of prayer and what the role of each is.

What Prior Students Are Saying

Taking this class was truly the launching pad for a spectacular season of ministry reaching millions of children for Christ in Malawi. This is an anointed class! - Laurette Hoagland

Your teachings have been monumental in transforming me into the vessel God has called me to be. I can't put into words how grateful I am that I followed God's path to these classes! - Dr. Kristin Jacobsen

Today's call was beyond GREAT! My heart resonated with so much. I need to listen to the replay several more times. Fresh insight and revelation have been flowing ever since. My spirit is burning with fresh clarity and release to move out in the God-given passions of my heart. - Linda Burns

Love love love!!! So much clarity on past and present circumstances. Even blessed me with a new prayer language!! Gave me direction in what to ask for and what to expect from The Father. Thanks a million- Kristen Robert

Wow, wow, wow. Confession and repentance flowing the last two days. Powerful teleseminar today! I am in the fasting zone. I am filled with joy and creativity to address my circumstances. I am on an adventure and cannot wait to see the fruit from this! Thanks Donna, You were definitely destined to lead me to this place." - Gayle Whittum

Lifestyle Freedom -
Tour of Israel -




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Donna Partow is a best-selling Christian author and motivational speaker with a passion to empower people in accomplishing their life mission. Her books have sold more than a million copies worldwide and have been translated into numerous languages.


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