
Many nations in the EU started curfew? | My day during pandemic. 欧洲各国陆续开始实行禁宵? | 宵禁实行前一天我的准备.

Many nations in the EU started curfew? | My day during pandemic. 欧洲各国陆续开始实行禁宵? | 宵禁实行前一天我的准备. Hi, guys, this is my first vlog! And now I have been staying at my rented apartment for nearly one week, I really need some fresh air (From my balcony *_*). I hope everyone on the planet is able to find some funs while locked down and stay healthy!! Don't walk dogs too often, he/she will too busy and tired : )))

嗨,大家好, 这是我的第一支vlog! 在家封锁的日子果然是生产力飙升的时期, 之前一直想拍一部关于生活碎片的记录, 但一直没有时间(懒), 所以利用这次在家隔离的日子, 我开始制作第一支vlog啦~~ 希望大家在封锁的日子里能够找些乐子 : )))


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