
LOTS OF EMOTIONS THIS WEEK... Reacting to Drag Race (EP8)

LOTS OF EMOTIONS THIS WEEK... Reacting to Drag Race (EP8) Follow on Instagram:
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About the episode...

During the “walkthrough with Ru,” brand expert Bob Harper helps the queens perfect out their concepts. Per Ru’s idea, Heidi changes her lotion name, (and shares with the other queens that she doesn’t really know about expensive products. She only made $9000 last year.)
When Ru walks up to Widow, she reminds the queen that she only won once in the beginning. Something about that throws Widow off and starts spreading this self-doubt that is clearly evident when she starts filming her commercial. She keeps forgetting her script.
Jan, on the other hand, is hyper and excited the entire time she’s filming her commercial for her “Sure, Jan” spray. The contestant explains that she wants to prove that she wants to be there. She’s willing to do whatever it takes to do that.
It’s elimination day and the queens are getting ready for their Black Wedding runway. Crystal says that her look is a little quirky and different, but she’s excited. Jan confirms, once again, and she was mostly upset because of Brita leaving. They’re both from New York and Brita has always been a supporter of Jan.
After the runway, viewers see the commercial of each contestant. Crystal, dressed as undead bride, catches the attention of the judges. Heidi, with a hilarious commercial for her multi-purpose lotion, also lands in the top.
Then, RuPaul asks who deserves to go home tonight and why. It’s a unanimous vote for Widow. When it comes time for Widow to chose who should go home, she says Jan, only because everyone else’s was so good.
When RuPaul brings back her girls, she announces Heidi is the winner of the challenge. Jan and Widow are the bottom two. After a ruveal and a passionate lip-sync by both performers to “This Is My Night” by Chaka Khan, Jan sashays away.

much,much creator,mtv,lgbt,mikerizzi,

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