
Lives or businesses? | New York has made its choice

Lives or businesses? | New York has made its choice First responders in coronavirus-stricken New York have to deal with record-breaking numbers of calls, a shortage of equipment and a constant fear of getting the virus and bringing it home to their loved ones.

The Covid-19 epidemic in America's largest city has stretched the resources of its ambulances service worse than on the day of the country’s worst terrorist attack in 2001, Anthony Almojera, a Fire Department lieutenant and supervisor, told RT.

"In the last few days we've done over 44,000 calls. Just to give you some perspective, we normally do only about 4,000 calls a day," he explained. "9/11, which was the busiest day for the EMS, we've done 6,300 calls roughly. For the last couple of days we've done over 7,000."


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