
Let’s Play The Plutonia Experiment #12: The Power of Power-Ups

Let’s Play The Plutonia Experiment #12: The Power of Power-Ups In many levels there are items which allow you to break the normal rules of the game. Typically you can only have 100% health but health bonuses, soulspheres and megaspheres allow you to go beyond maximum health, something that can make all the difference between surviving a cyberdemon missiles or not. Armour bonuses can enhance your damage mitigation beyond the level of normal armour while megaarmour brings you to the maximum and provides the best resistance. Invulnerability spheres to exactly what is said on the tin: for a brief period you’re rendered immune to damage, something that’s very useful when going toe-to-toe with a room full of dangerous enemies. The automap fills in the map for the entire level and the radiation suits shields you from damaging floors and

Then there’s partial invisibility. which makes it less likely enemies will hit you with your attacks. This one is a double-edged sword, making it less likely enemies will aim accurately at you. It’s great for mitigating the shots of hit scan enemies but your inherent instinct to dodge projectiles might make you dodge into those that veer in directions you’re not used to.

Only the effects of two types of power-ups can be brought with you to other levels: the health and amour bonuses. You should endeavour to bring these to levels beyond where you got them whenever possible for the buffers they provide will allow you to save resources, giving you precious breathing room that’s rarely afforded on high difficulties. This requires finding them in the first place of course and locating secrets can be a tricky business at the best of times, but I’m sure I’ll stumble upon a couple of them before long… hopefully.


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