
Drugs Choices Addiction God Jesus Holy Spirit

Drugs Choices Addiction God Jesus Holy Spirit CHOICES! For some of us who choose to be consciously aware, it is a balancing act, as with meditation, and I can only liken it unto handstand practice. It is continuously having to innovate decisions to make the best possible choices for right now, to innervate the right senses and the correct impulses to instigate the movement that is required to be the best version of myself right now.

This is what learning to live in the present is like for me. Constant and continuous adaptation to life. This is what my whole life has been. This is what my entire life continues to be. I brought myself here, with God and He keeps me free.

Do not let the talk of God, Jesus or spirituality cause you to run away my friends. FUCK RUNNING! I am tired of running. Of running away from Him, of running away from me, of denying who The Holy Spirit means to me. So what if it is a fad or phase. I have lived through worse phases and right now I would rather live through, and with a phase that leads me to a more productive space. A calmer space. A more practical space where I can live out my personal truth.

My purpose is whatever it may be and in that, I take great pleasure knowing that all of my bullshit was not for nothing. I will ascertain that I do not care about likes, I do not care about BEING liked, I do not care about setting trends. I care about making an IMPACT. One that will change the world and allow people like us who have lived to also have a space to add our value to this earth.

My external experience does not negate my internal worth. Do not ever fucking treat me like that. Do not ever fucking treat anybody like that. And you know what. “I” Must not treat anybody like that. I still do the same. I do not sit here from a place of arrogance, I sit here in a place of humble reality. I FUCK UP! Daily. I am not selling you an idea. I am selling you my life and saying that if saving was and is possible for me…I will be saved!

I am always a conscious work in progress. I know my flaws. I accept and I practice working on my flaws.

That is why I do not give a fuck about what is going on around me…I got too much of work to do on myself, to add value to what is going on around me!

Peace And Love

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Ebook Link: books2read/wesleysingh

Next book releasing on the 30th of April


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I Am Here To Serve

#reality #addiction #motivation


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