
6.5 magnitude shakes Idaho followed by several aftershocks

6.5 magnitude shakes Idaho followed by several aftershocks IDAHO FALLS – A 6.5 magnitude earthquake shook eastern Idaho just before 6 p.m. Tuesday night.

USGS reports the epicenter of the quake was 45 miles west of Challis. Multiple aftershocks ranging from 4.6 to 3.4 magnitude hit about 37 to 43 miles southeast of Cascade between 6:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. There have been no reports of major damage, but people in Boise, Rigby, Roberts, Lewisville, Ammon, Shelley, Pocatello and other communities report feeling it.

According to the Idaho Statesman archive, the 6.5 magnitude would be the second-largest earthquake in Idaho history if it stands (the number often is adjusted with more information). The Borah Peak earthquake, which was a magnitude 6.9, killed two people in Challis near the quake’s epicenter. The second-largest is a three-way tie at 5.8 from 1983-84.

The five strongest previous Idaho earthquakes were all in the Challis area, according to the newspaper.

Here is how some users describe the experience:

“I live in Ammon…I was downstairs in my bedroom and all of a sudden my bed started to shake. It was really weird. I looked at my clothes in my closet and they were shaking too. I have never felt an earthquake before until now.”

“My granddaughter and I were parked by our farm shop with our engines running. We felt it shake our vehicles. It was amazing how long it lasted. We guessed between 20 and 30 seconds. We are located in Oakley.”

“I live in Arco. It shook my house pretty hard for what seemed like minutes. My horses and minis were going crazy. – running around like they were being chased and my dogs were very freaked out. There was also a bunch of aftershocks for several minutes afterward.”

“Our building on Main Street in Rexburg was making all kinds of weird sounds. Me and my business partner quickly headed for the door. We had no idea what was going on! We thought maybe the roof was going to collapse.”

“We felt the earthquake here in Idaho Falls. It made the windchimes inside our store ring. Several hanging items were swaying back and forth.”

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We will post more information when it is available.

earthquake,,Challis,Idaho Falls,

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