Bạn có biết Hoàng gia Nhật Bản là triều đại tồn tại lâu đời nhất thế giới với 2680 năm (tính đến 2020)?
Did you know Japanese Imperial family is the oldest dynasty with its 2,680-year history (up to 2020)?
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Information and pictures from Wikipedia.
Map collected and revised from Youtube mappers: Khey Pard, Anwoo History Mapper, Kayra Atakan [Qırım Xan'ı]
1. Mùa Hoa Anh Đào by Thanh Sơn
2. Zenitude by Francois Rivollet
3. To Japan by Ghostanoid
4. Japan by Ghostanoid
5. Total War: Shogun 2 Soundtrack - Tsunami, Composed By Jeff Van Dyck
6. Japanese Taiko by LuLuProduction
7. Tota War: Shogun 2 Music - Good Death, composed By Jeff Van Dyck