
🌍 India’s Noise Regulation Rules: Industrial, Commercial, Residential & Silence Zone: Permissible dB

🌍 India’s Noise Regulation Rules: Industrial, Commercial, Residential & Silence Zone: Permissible dB Dr. Manishika in this session explains 🌍 Noise Pollution: India’s Noise Regulation Rules - Industrial, Commercial, Residential & Silence Zone

The section 2(a) of Air (prevention and control of pollution) Act, 1981 had included noise in the definition for pollutants.
The Environment Protection Act,1986 extends to the whole of India and it shall come into force on such date as the Central Government may, by
notification in the Official Gazette, appoint and different dates may be appointed for different provisions of this Act and for different areas.
Noise pollution controlled rules were framed in 2000 under Environment Protection Act, 1996.

To implement the noise standards for different areas the state government has to categories areas into different zones like industrial, commercial, and residential and silence zones.
Silence zones are considered not less than 100 metres around hospitals, educational, institutions.
State government will notify the Silence zones.
Restrictions on loudspeakers: In public places shall not be used above the permitted levels of noise.
A loudspeakers or sound producing instruments or any musical instruments or sound amplifier shall not use at night time that is from 10PM to 6AM except in closed premises like auditorium, conference rooms or public emergency.
The noise levels in public place shall not exceed 10db.
Restriction on the use of horns, sounds emitting constructions, equipment’s and bursting of firecrackers at the Silence zones and night time.

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