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Trinity Gets Geared Up for Her 8th Birthday!!! Today we celebrated Trinity turning 8 years old! Can you believe it?! She got to celebrate with her class on her Zoom meeting with them singing happy birthday to her. During the day on her breaks from school, we gave her a present to open and only one at a time and got a bunch of Fly Racing gear. At the end of the day she was all geared up for another surprise that she had no idea about. Is she going skydiving or what?!?! We also took her out to their favorite play place to get some energy out and then to Yogurtland afterwards for a birthday treat. Happy 8th birthday Trinity!
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Hey guys! Thanks for visiting our family vlog Channel! We usually post twice a week! We originally started "Trinity and Beyond" for fun and do lots of skits and challenges. Since then our audience has grown so much with parents and whole families watching, so we decided to start this separate channels for vlogs.
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