to book a reading go to:
Or go to denisesiegelpsychic.weebley.com or astrologyandpsychicpredictions.wordpress.com and hit the Book Now button. There you will find all services and pricing.
Friday Morning natal chart class registration link:
Friday Afternoon Transits & Progressions class registration link:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email from readings777@gmail.com containing information about joining the meeting.
Classes will be 2 hours long and cost $25 per class. You will have to register to participate in the class. If you can't make all of the classes - no worries. You will only pay for the classes you attend. Payment options please use Venmo. My Venmo account is: Denise Siegel@Denise-Siegel-777 if you need to pay throug PayPal the address is: astrologyandpsychicpredictions@gmail.com
If you can't do either of these options you can go to my booking site just click the link to that and you can pick a random time (because this is an appointment app) that won't really be a scheduled time to talk with me, just a way to pay for the class. Select the $25 class option and you're good to go. I will have an option to pay for more classes if you want to just deal with it once but please if you're not sure you're going to come to all the classes you pay for in advance just pay per class. It becomes very confusing for me otherwise. Thanks!
To contact me via email: