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9. Atlit
Atlit is a tiny town right on the coast of Israel. However, off the coast, you’ll find something remarkable; the remnants of a village from the end of the Stone Age known as Atlit-Yam. Although nature has pretty much taken back the town, the stone structures of Atlit-Yam remain well-preserved under the calm waters.
8. Thonis-Heracleion
In the 1930s, a commander in the Royal Air Force was flying around the mouth of the Nile river in Egypt; from above, it was clear that there were ruins down there, so he went back with an Egyptian expert, and they found some artifacts… but they wouldn’t have ever guessed that what they had found was just a drop of what would come to be the remains of two whole cities!
7. Testing Underwater DNA
Sometimes, if you get a few advanced scientists together, they’ll stumble upon a way to combine their research and discover truly wonderful things. That’s exactly what happened with Brandan Foley and Maria Hansson, an oceanographer and geneticist. Foley was telling Hansson about the underwater vehicle that he’d used to look at an underwater shipwreck near the island of Chios in Greece.
6. Swedish Atlantis
Nowadays, it’s rare for explorers to find artifacts from the stone age. But a recent discovery in the Baltic Sea from around 11,000 years ago has some people proclaiming that we’ve uncovered a Swedish Atlantis! Marine archaeologists discovered these remarkable artifacts underneath the waters in Hanö, a bay of the Baltic Sea, just off the Swedish shoreline.
5. Bach Dang River
In 1287 AD, China’s emperor Khubilai Khan sent his naval forces into Vietnam; this included around 400 precious ships. It didn’t go well. After the invasion attempt, the emperor got word back that all of these ships were trapped in the Vietnamese’s Bach Dang River and systematically set ablaze and sunk. This was a terrible failure on the emperor’s part.
4.USS Lexington
This ship was discovered with the assistance of Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen. In February of 2018, after scouring the Coral sea, which is about 500 miles off Australia’s east coast, investigators finally found the remains of the USS Lexington. It was lost while fighting the Japanese navy in the battle of the Coral Sea that took place between the 4th and 8th of May, 1942.
3. Thunder Bay
Did you know that the Great Lakes in North America is home to around 6000 sunken ships?? Thunder Bay, located in the northern part of Lake Huron, houses around 80 of them, which sank or were wrecked, only to remain underwater forever. Given the purity of the water, these ships are very well-preserved and have even created a sort of reef.
2. Lake Titicaca
Lake Titicaca is a big lake in the Andes mountains, and it’s renowned for its beauty. But it has more going for it than its good looks alone (besides its memorable name!). In 2019, a group of marine archaeologists discovered that Lake Titicaca was holding a ton of mysterious artifacts underneath its waters!
1. Battle of the Egadi Islands
Even though modern naval ships are incredibly powerful, we shouldn’t underestimate the naval abilities of our ancestors, as archaeologists searching around the coast of Sicily in 2013 discovered. When they looked underwater, they discovered a ton of mysterious maritime artifacts. However, the astonishing fact is that when they dated these artifacts, they found that they were around 2,000 years old!
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