

CHOOSE YOUR GIFT 🎁 (LISA OR LENA STYLE) Choose Your Gift. Elije Tu Regalo. Escolha o seu presente. hediyeni seç.
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Choose your Gift is game which you can play with friends and family and see who gets the cutest gift 🎈🎁😍

#Gift #ChooseYourGift #Pinkazina #choosegift

The importance of Gifts and making our beloved ones happy and attached.

Gift giving is something that should not be a chore. It must come from the heart. When you give, you should be giving something willingly without wanting something in return. Making someone feel special is more than enough reason to make you give more. It tells the receiver that you were thinking about them.

While it feels good to be on the receiving end, there’s a feeling of self-gratification when you are the one who is doing the giving. This can’t be measured by monetary value. The happiness you get from opening a gift is only temporary, but giving provides a more self-fulfilling experience that lasts for a long period of time.

We learn this when we are young. As children, we give our parents good grades that make them happy. A simple act can provide a good response. It has been proven that the act of giving makes us happier than receiving. It doesn’t matter how valuable the gift may be.

Reasons for giving gifts:
- To be remembered
Often times at a special event, like a staff party or team building exercise you want to provide a special memento of the occasion. It’s always fun to have something to take home.

- To say “thanks”
There are some instances when you need to give back to someone who has helped you or provided you a favor.

- As an expression of love
Gift giving is an act of self-gratification. It is a good way of strengthening relationships. If you are in a friendship or a relationship, you should always show the other person how much you care for him or her.

- To appreciate someone special
They say that actions speak louder than words is true. There’s no better way to say you appreciate someone than through gift giving.

- Giving to keep in touch
Not seeing someone often should not be an excuse to ruin one’s relationship. Gifts can help in strengthening relationships.

- To celebrate anniversaries
It is important for married couples to remember the day of their anniversary. This thoughtful gesture can be achieved by giving a gift.

- To celebrate a new home
You might not have the time to help someone move in or out of a new home, but you can give the person a gift for a new beginning. A new house is a big step, especially for people who are starting their own family.

- For celebrating birthdays
A person’s birthday is a special milestone that should be celebrated each year. There’s no age limit for it.

- To apologize
There are times when you make a mistake, and a simple apology is not enough to make the other party forgive you. During times when words are not enough, it is best to express it with a gift. It will show that you are really sorry for what you have done.


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