
Modals Must & ought to

Modals Must & ought to Modals (Must, Ought to)
Prepared and presented by :Mukesh Kumar
You must work hard if you want to top the examination.
Ram must save his money if he wants to buy this land.
a. Compulsion & b. Obligation
You must come regularly to train yourself in wrestling.
We must obey traffic rules.
a. Duty b. Determination
You must obey your parents.
We must complete our work before evening.
a. Possibility b. Prohibition
He must have written the Novel.
You must not enter the prohibited area.
Ought to (Moral duty)

You ought to help the poor.
You ought to work for the good of children.
a. You ought to consult a good doctor.
b. You to exercise daily to get rid of backache.
For something that had to be done
You ought to have study regularly.
Himesh ought to have complete his assignment.


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