
New Earth 2020; The rise & fall of various people & nations. Star seeds, the 4 elements & Atlantis

New Earth 2020; The rise & fall of various people & nations. Star seeds, the 4 elements & Atlantis Channelled insights into events from late 2019 onwards From some of my guides including; Archangel Metatron, St Germain, St Francis of Assisi, Doloros Cannon et al Discussions about;

- star seeds & incarnating rainbow children during Age of Aquarius
- the rise and fall of various nations over the coming 100+ years
- the reincarnation of many spiritual Masters onto New Earth over the coming 30 years
- 2019 - 2020: events related to the beginning of the Age of Aquarius (from an astrological viewpoint)
- the earth changes: coming rise of hidden lands under the sea between Australia & New Zealand
(verified by the New Zealand's geologists at the GNS Science organisation, within 24 hours of this video being published )
- the emergence of new plant, marine life & animal species, that corresponds to the new earth changes
- a bridge being built between Australia & New Zealand as a result of tectonic Pacific plates shifting during new earth changes Creating a merged new global spiritual & later economic powerhouse
- the exciting future prospects for the nation of Kazakhstan & its connection to wild horses
- the challenging earth changes & corresponding fall of China over the next 500 years
- the sad passing of China's true future spiritual & true leader - Prayers required!
- the rise of Russia over the coming 30 years
- the fall & later rise from the ashes for USA, its people, culture & economy over the coming decades
- the karmic & spiritual purpose behind Donald Trump's role as the American President
- the karma & suppression & exposure of police corruption around the world (inc the black lives matter group, past issues being exposed to heal ancestral lineages)
- the souls behind the fall of Atlantis repeating same mistakes on current earth plane
- discussion around Indio- China border issues
- new earth changes and how it effects Mother earth & its people
- the four elements; fire, air, water and earth & how each quarter in 2020 affects Mother earth & its people
- the exposure and fall of false prophets and spiritual frauds in 2020 onwards
- 2020: a year of clear vision. 2020 - A year where instant karma will get you!

The purpose of this transmission is to give hope to the many people that have their lives & spiritual paths curtailed due to events. Essentially the message is everything in life & the world is subject to change. The information contained here is just confirmation from the spiritual hierarchy to many spiritual aspirants to trust their intuition
After hardships it is up to every single person to get back to their meditations and healing work

Also note that my guides have repeatedly requested me to publish certain information on online platforms for over a decade. I do not always agree with them. Sometimes I choose to remain silent & not publish the information they give me However, I have noted that every time I get given information from my guides, world events take place that confirm their information

In relation to comments that I published about Donald Trump. I am neither for, or against him As a trained journalist my comments are given purely to provide a balanced perspective, to show both sides of Mr Trump's role

My Spiritual Guides;
Furthermore, I will confirm that I was personally trained by the reincarnated soul of St Francis of Assisi in my current life. All of my success in energy healings, I credit to this soul
Additionally, I have been guided by Archangel Metatron since around 2002. Years later I learned from my Spiritual teacher that Metatron was the Archangel assigned to assist energy healers & light workers
Moreover, I was also fortunate to be personally trained by Doloros Cannon in this life. God bless her soul. She was a delight to study with. My understanding of the new earth stems in part from our classes & PLRT with her
My relationship with St Germain stems from my work with him in my last life
Personally, I have clear recollection of my earth lives & recognise souls from each of these lives It is trusted that these above comments clarify where my spiritual wisdom & healing gifts originates from.

sources confirming EGP insights;

(geoscience website with relevant maps)

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New Earth,2020,Earth goodwill project,

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