
Is it Ok to Question The Status Quo?

Is it Ok to Question The Status Quo? The Carnivore Code has arrived and it’s already a bestseller!! Get it here:

You bet it is! But you wouldn’t know that from the seemingly inevitable pushback and vilification that you or I will get if we try to think outside of the box. In this snippet from my podcast this week (Fundamental Health, available on ITunes, Youtube, and with Mark Bell, we talk about how what both he and I have experienced in our respective fields as we try to question the status quo mirrors other fields like anthropology, archaeology, art and environmental studies. If you haven’t listened to the series on Joe Rogan’s podcast with Randall Carlson and Graham Hancock on the possibility of previous lost civilizations you definitely should. In my book The Carnivore Code (tomorrow is the last day to get the first edition! Get it now before it’s gone!), I discuss the profound changes in human civilizations that appear to have occurred around 12 thousand years ago. With the advent of apparent agriculture there is evidence for declining health within humans of that time. Around this same time many believe that a meteor (Younger Dryas impact) may have struck the Earth, or that Coronal Mass Ejections (Solar flares) may have occurred significantly changing the climate on the Earth and leading to mass extinction of megafauna animals (big ones!). This may have been one reason that we began farming and were unable to hunt big animals like we had been for thousands of years previously. I’ve definitely been widely criticized for my ideas around an animal based diet (all in my book!) and my recent thoughts on coronavirus, Mark has been criticized, and both Graham and Randall have been criticized as well. We may not all be right about everything we are suggesting but it must be ok to think outside the box and question the status quo! How else do new ideas arise? What do you think about all of this? Is the pushback for me questioning the status quo around diet and coronavirus justified, or is tribalism limiting our intellectual growth?

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