And I am assuming you have seen part one of the tutorial, if you did not, please check it out at:
You can get the examples used in the video here:
I want to keep the entire series running time under 90 minutes, first episode takes around 20, this one is under 15 minutes, so we are well on our way to meet the hour and a half mark... :-)
This is a gentle introduction to coding computers, using the C programming language. Do not be in a hurry to "read every lesson" or "watch every video"! Your time will be better spent trying to write code similar to the examples and experimenting with your new found skills. In fact, it is crucial that you take it slow, type code, make mistakes and learn with them.
Have fun! Because learning is meant to be a fun experience. Go for it!
For Windows users, get Codeblocks (compiler and IDE/editor) so you can follow the tutorial:
Mac users should probably use Xcode, however the IDE/editor sucks big time for beginners. I would suggest you install Xcode, add the command line tools (part of the installation) and then use Sublime edit : to write and test your code. It's much better (even for seasoned coders).