
What does Dao Zen Yoga and Wellness mean?

What does Dao Zen Yoga and Wellness mean? In this video, I explain the meaning of each word in my business name, Dao Zen Yoga and Wellness. Please SUBSCRIBE to my channel and give it a Like to support me. Thank you.
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The Chinese word Dao means a way or a path. Confucians used the term dao to speak of the way human beings ought to behave in society; it was an ethical or moral way.

The term Zen is derived from the Japanese pronunciation of the Chinese word Chán. Zen is the Japanese term for the principle which traces its roots to the Indian practice of Dhyāna ("meditation"). Mushin is at the core of Zen and Japanese martial arts and it literally means the "mind without mind." It is a state of mind where the mind is not fixed on or occupied by any thought or emotion and is thus connected to the Cosmos. Dhyana is the 7th limb of yoga. It comes from the Sanskrit word dhyai, which means "to think of." Dhyana involves concentration and meditation on a point of focus with the intention of knowing the truth about it.

The word Yoga is a Sanskrit word which means union (union between you and the Divine, or Purusha).

Wellness is an active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a healthy and fulfilling life. It is not necessarily the absence of illness. It is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being

Therefore, I named my yoga business, Dao Zen Yoga and Wellness.
It is the way, the path to Zen, to that state of mind without a mind. The path to the meditation on a point of focus with the intention of knowing the truth and unite with the Divine, and find a mindful and intentional way to wellness.


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