
Shewbread of a Workman: Searching Out a Matter

Shewbread of a Workman: Searching Out a Matter
Bible number meanings 1-1001+ PDF

Who is the elect Bride of Christ playlist

Hebrew Letter Meanings
1. Aleph  א  head, ox, power
2. Beit     ב  house (host, choice)
3. Gimel  ג  weaned, elder, camel
4. Dalet   ד  door (bride, Ps 24:7)
5. Hei      ה  grace, lookingglasses
6. Vav      ו  man, vav,vav=hook
7. Zayin   ז  warfare, sustenance
(Troop, give, manna, make pleas)
8. Chet    ח  life, (in fallen world)
9. Tet      ט  the good inside, issue
10. Yud    י  God's place, omnipresence
11. Kaf    כ  sole of the fowl, chosen
(Closed palm opening, giving branch)
12 Lamed ל teach, learn, disciple
13. Mem  מ water, (living-w, Jesus)
14. Nun   נ  sojourner, "orphan Ann" 51-אן
Lev 25:23, Isa 41:14 #6030 #6031 #3384
15. Samech ס the point, wed, Eden
16. Ayin   ע  eye, fountain (with you)
17. Pei     פ  mouth, opening, preach
18. Taddik צ  (made) righteousness
19. Kuf     ק  standard, banner, pole
20. Reish  ר    rulership (good/bad)
21. Shin    ש  "keeper of the flame", 2nd
(2 becoming 1, One in Christ)
22. Tav     ת   marked, two, catching fish

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