*this video is part of the potato pal series*
please ignore my ratchet nails that are rippling off
#stayathome #penpal #penpalwithme
I'm writing back to Jade in this video!
I am deeply in love with her letter and thank you so much!
Send some love to Jade :3
Jade's instagram account: @byjuniana
Questions regarding to this series:
1. Can I still send you a letter
-No, the address is closed and the event's due date has passed.
2.How long will it take you to reply to everyone?
-As said, this series may last up to more than a year
3. Have you opened all letters?
-No, I will only open it when I am writing back and inform the sender
about the letter :D
4.How do I know if my letter has reached?
-You may check my other instagram account @twinklestudies
to confirm if your letter has arrived.
5.Are you still accepting pen pals?
-No, I am not.
6. When will you ship out the letters?
-Once it is safe to go out
7. What if my letter got lost?
-I am not responsible for any lost letters, and i'm very sorry about it.
Subscriber Count- 54096
Products used:
-Daiso Square Grid Writing Pad A4
-Zebra Mark On 0.4
-Uniball Signo (broad) white
-Unipin Drawing Pen 0.2
Translucent Paper
Use code 'S4085'on inloveartshop's website for a 15% off your purchase
Brush Pens
-tombow dual brush
-pentel sign pen
-most sticker flakes are purchased during my trip at Taiwan,
I do not have the links to it.
Sumikko Gurashi Sticker Flakes
Dino Stickers
Sticky Notes
Washi Tape
-stationery pal
use code 'CONSTANCE' for a 10% off your purchase
follow me on Instagram
Email constancegoh2003@gmail.com or dm @constancegohh on Instagram for business inquiries
Frequently asked questions
How old are you?
-16 (22nd Aug 2003)
Where are you from?
Your ethnicity?
-Malaysian Chinese
Are you accepting any pen pals?
-I am not accepting any on going pen pals at the moment
Filming Equipment
Camera: Sony RX100M3
Editor: Filmora9
I do not owe any of the music in this video
Huge thanks to the original creators
Music: Song : 샛별 - Candy Town
Music provided by 샛별.
Link :
Music: Song : 샛별 - A New Day!
Music provided by 샛별.
Link :
Music: Song : 샛별 - 우주별사탕
Music provided by 샛별.
Link :