
Oil Painting of Gorse Flowers: Momentary Pain, Endless Glory!

Oil Painting of Gorse Flowers: Momentary Pain, Endless Glory! Hello Everyone! This artwork is based on 2 Cor. 4:16-18.

The flowers in this painting are Gorse Flowers. Lilias Trotter,an exceptional painter and missionary to Algeria, painted a picture of Gorse Flowers for her book "Parables of the Cross." Through Lilias's painting I was inspired to paint this picture. Lilias used the Gorse Flowers to illustrate suffering. The thorns in the painting represent pain and hardship, while the yellow flowers represent the glory and joy that will result from our trials.

I would like to dedicate this painting to my K4 teacher, Myra, a faithful servant of the Lord who recently passed away from cancer, as well as to my great-aunt Candy, who also loved God and just passed away from cancer too. Both are now with Jesus, free from earthly pain. I would also like to dedicate this painting to Christians I don't know personally, but who are suffering from persecution, the Covid-19 or any other form of suffering. May all God's children take heart! Our momentary suffering on Earth is achieving for us eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So let us fix our eyes not on what we see: the trials, hardships, suffering around us; but on what is unseen - the eternity that awaits all God's children in Heaven.

*This is an oil painting, one of my very first attempts at this medium! I am not exactly sure if I am using the oil paints correctly ;) I also apologize for my arm getting in the way of the shot at times:)

*Time taken: approximately 8hrs

Thanks for watching! If you like, share this with others who may be suffering in some way. God bless you all.




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