
How to differentiate Normal Anxiety over the Pandemic VS Generalized anxiety Disorder

How to differentiate Normal Anxiety over the Pandemic VS Generalized anxiety Disorder Generalized Anxiety Disorder
1. We have EXCESSIVE worries over multiple things

You need at least 3 of the following:
A.. you are easily tired
B. You are restless ( hindi mapakali)
C. Irritable
D. Unable to concentrate or have a tendency to go blank.
E. Poor sleep - either you can't sleep or its too short or it's disrupted or you still feel tired when you wake up
F. Muscle tension or lots of unexplained body pains.

Most of all this should last for at least 6 months and have affected your FUNCTIONALITY

Having said that, normal anxiety then should still allow us to function and sometimes it actually makes us better because sometimes we are able to find ways prepare ourselves =) and of course, you will know what you are afraid of in our case, it's COVID-19 with the right amount of worry devoid of any paralyzing symptoms. It might affect you a bit but the key word is A BIT, not too much that it overpowers you


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