
Has Religion Surged During COVID-19 Pandemic?

Has Religion Surged During COVID-19 Pandemic? Join our Patreon community!:
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Check out my favorite religious studies books:

Interview with Dr. Joseph Henrich:
War Makes Us More Religious video:

In March 2020, Google searches for "prayer" surged to its highest level in 5 years. Presumably, more and more people are searching for answers about prayer during the COVID-19 pandemic. Does this indicate a surge in religiosity as well?

Twitter: @andrewmarkhenry
2nd Channel: @Andrew Mark Henry

K.I. Pargament, "The psychology of religion and coping: Theory, research, practice," Guilford Press, 2001.

Ano and Vasconcelles, 2005, “Religious coping and psychological adjustment to stress: A meta-analysis,” Journal of clinical psychology, 2005, 61 (4), 461-480

Joseph Henrich et. al. “War Increases Religiosity,”
Sinding Bentzen research on natural disasters and religiosity:

Saudi Government Bans Prayers:

Haaretz article on the sanitation of the Western Wall:

Study by Dr. Jeanet Sinding Bentzen:
Sociologist Dr. Landon Schnabel’s response:

Social Distancing Photograph 1:

Social Distancing Photograph 2:

Social Distancing Photograph 3:

COVID-19,religion,religiosity,coronavirus,coronavirus religion,pandemic religion,decline of religion,virus,,religious studies,religion for breakfast,andrew henry,andrew mark henry,

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