
China censors research on CCP virus origin; Wuhan volunteer threatened after speaking about outbreak

China censors research on CCP virus origin; Wuhan volunteer threatened after speaking about outbreak Deleted university webpages show the Chinese regime is controlling the narrative on the origin of the CCP virus. Now, all research needs to be approved by authorities before being published.

A Chinese web moderator shares what internet comments they are after, and how they personally feel about it.

Once home to bustling wholesale malls, China's Yiwu city is now struggling to stay afloat.

A Wuhan volunteer who accepted foreign media interviews and talked about the situation of the outbreak is now being threatened by police.

American Lawyer and FCC commissioner Brendan Carr challenged China's foreign ministry’s claims of transparency.

NTD refers to the novel #coronavirus, which causes the disease COVID-19, as the CCP virus because the Chinese Communist Party's coverup and mismanagement allowed the virus to spread throughout China and create a global pandemic.

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