
Australia lucky to have Scott Morrison as leader ‘rather than Trump or Boris Johnson’

Australia lucky to have Scott Morrison as leader ‘rather than Trump or Boris Johnson’ Sky News host Sharri Markson says even Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s “worst enemies would have to concede” he has done a remarkably better job in comparison to other world leaders in his handling of the coronavirus pandemic.

Ms Markson did note though the government’s efforts to contain the virus have been “helped along by our island borders and our way of life,” given Australians “don’t live on top of each other” like many cities in Europe, and the US.

“But at a time like this you’d have to think that you’d rather have Scott Morrison as leader rather than Boris Johnson or Donald Trump,” she said.

President Donald Trump “underestimated the extent of the problem early on” which has resulted in thousands of Americans dying a day, while UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s “herd immunity experiment has cost thousands of lives”.

Ms Markson said Australia has had “such success containing the spread” of coronavirus, now the state premiers are considering lifting certain restrictions by as early as May.

“With only one new case in South Australia on Thursday and only three in Victoria on Saturday, it’s understandable some of the premiers are starting to speak about lifting restrictions so that further jobs aren’t lost”.

Image: AP


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