
An 'emergency' surprise birthday to remember

An 'emergency' surprise birthday to remember A Cork boy who turned ten-years-old today was surprised with a visit from the emergency services for his birthday.

Rian, who graduated as an honorary garda through the charity Little Blue Heroes Foundation, has a respiratory illness and has been unable to leave his home in Douglas since March 1.

Garda Pat Harrington from the Garda Dog Unit in Cork and the Little Blue Heroes Foundation planned the surprise visit with Rian's parents to cheer him up on his big day.

Members of Cork City Fire Brigade, the Roads Policing Unit, the Community Policing Unit and the Garda Dog Unit gathered outside Rian's home and sang him Happy Birthday.

"Rian was really shocked and really excited by it. His buddies from 3rd class in St Luke's were able to join in the celebrations over video call. He is missing his friends so it was lovely to do," said Rian's mother Orla.

Garda Pat Harrington also offer Rian the opportunity to go on patrol of the local neighbourhood with his garda dogs Laser and Rex once the Covid-19 restrictions have been lifted.

Rian is planning to spend the rest of his birthday playing with his new playstation about which his mother said: "we finally gave in and got him one".

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News,RTE,emergency services,happy birthday,cork,ireland,little blue heroes,

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