

๐Ÿ˜ 8 AWESOME RIDDLES TOO TRICKY FOR GENIUSES ๐Ÿ˜ณ These awesome riddles that are too tricky for geniuses will put your crime-solving skills to the test! Are you smart enough to solve all these difficult cases before the time is up? Let's see! These brain teasers will be a good brain workout and will force your brain activities to start. Try to solve them very fast if you want to be sure that you have a unique brain :)

00:32 - This criminal case will increase your intelligence! Mr. Gamp’s body was found in a luxury mansion in London. Detective Smith was first on the scene. He called 3 family members: two grandsons, and a granddaughter. They were going to inherit Mr. Gamp’s money! He asked them to come to the mansion. Is there a liar here?

02:02 - Another crime riddle to test your detective skills! Someone robbed a country house. Another job for Detective Smith! The owner got home from work. He saw that all his valuables were gone. Smith interrogated the neighbors. They said they drove into the city. On their way back, they got a flat tire. They got home in the evening time to commit the robbery! The detective: “Are they telling the truth?” How can Smith find out?

03:10 - Test your analytical skills with this riddle! The police got a call from Mrs. Grey. Someone kidnapped her husband. They wanted a huge ransom! Detective Smith came over and interrogated three suspects: Adam, Mr. Grey’s security guard, John, Mr. Grey’s friend, and Paul, Mr. Grey’s neighbor. They all said they went into Mr. Grey’s office. But they all claimed they were innocent! Who’s the kidnapper?

04:40 - Another hard case to boost your logical skills! Smith was called to a London office. There was an unconscious employee lying on the floor! The suspects? A security guard, the boss, and a colleague. The cleaning lady found a note near the body. She gave it to Smith. It was a clue! Who attacked the employee?

05:40 - This detective puzzle will test your IQ! Tom called the police station. Someone stole his car yesterday! He was at the cinema at the time. Smith met Tom outside the theatre. Tom: “It happened yesterday. I came, parked the car. When I came out after the movie my car was gone. It just disappeared!” Passerby: “That guy’s lying.” Why did he say that?

06:40 - This mystery riddle will test your detective mind! There was another parking lot mystery! A security guard found an unconscious his own car. He immediately called the police. Smith came and interrogated the suspects: the people parked nearby. Who is lying?

08:11 - The last riddle to boost your critical thinking skills! The cops got another call. It was the Markin family. They had gone to see their daughter. It was a surprise visit. When they got to her apartment, they saw the door was wide open. They rushed in and saw their daughter lying there...unconscious. Smith rushed over. He wanted to interrogate the neighbors. Who’s lying?

TELL me IN THE COMMENTS which riddle completely blew your mind!

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