Xingshi Wang et all (2013) have performed fully-coupled FSI simulation on a 2-D oscillating deformable plate in a flow, using mIFEM method. In this example a deformable plate is attached to the bottom of a fluid and is prescribed with an oscillatory motion.The fluid domain is a 2-D rectangular channel with 8 cm in length and 2 cm in width.The deformable plate is 0.5 cm x 1 cm, placed in the middle of the channel length. The bottom surfaces of the plate and the fluid domain are overlapped. The bottom surface of the plate is prescribed with an oscillating motion in the horizontal direction using a sinusoidal function V=-sin(2*Pi*t) which has a frequency of 1 Hz.
In order to validate the FSI simulation in ANSYS Workbench, the geometry of both fluid and solid domains were created in ANSYS DesignModeller. Meshing and analysis set up of the solid domain were done in Transient Structural solver and for the fluid domain CFX solver was used to perform the analysis. In order to have a coupled solution ANSYS Multi-field option was chosen in CFX.
Volume flow rate results reported by ANSYS have a good conformity with the results reported by Xingshi Wang et all (2013). This comparison indicates that FSI simulation using ANSYS software have been performed with a good accuracy.