
Feel Tired and Sluggish? - It Could be Dehydration

Feel Tired and Sluggish? - It Could be Dehydration More coffee will never be the answer.
if you don't have water in your body, you won't be able to create metabolism/energy regardless of how much caffeine you ingest.

This is important to know if you are excessively sweating, or just trying to get that last pump in at the gym.
It will be way more challenging if you don't have enough water to create the energy for the muscles to work.

What to do:
1. Drink 2-3L per day.
2. Drink water WITH the coffee - it will actually give the coffee caffeine a BOOST! WIN-WIN.
3. Let me know how you feel after! :)

Sound like a LOT of water?
You will have to use the washroom more frequently, but your body will eventually adapt to the increase. It's a small price to pay for hydrating all of your body cells and feeling like a million bucks.

Happy Drinking! :)

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